Importance of Defence Industry for States

defence industry
Defence industries are an important factor for states. They are the structures that constitute the national and hegemonic security of countries. The development in the defence industry provides an assurance of deterrence and confidence. Superiority in this field brings many benefits to nations. With high technology, it extends to many areas from weapon systems to military vehicles and defence equipment. The defence industry is one of the leading factors determining the foreign policy of countries. 

This field, which is an argument that ensures the balance of power in the global sense, has been a factor in the power gain of states with technological progress and innovations throughout history. Today, countries such as the USA, China, France, the United Kingdom and Turkey are the leaders in the defence industry or leading states in different categories of this field. For example, in unmanned aerial vehicles, Turkey has achieved a success that has made a sound in the world. 

Technological developments are intertwined with the defence industry. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have a wide range from cyber security to software, hypersonic missiles and space technologies. Changes and transformations in this field have the ability to radically change the defence industry. Undoubtedly, the whole world has seen in the Karabakh war what kind of a dominant force unmanned aerial vehicles are on the battlefields. The fact that this field provides a great advantage to countries is one of the reasons why these countries focus on this field.

With the development of artificial intelligence, it provides convenience to countries in the rapid detection and destruction of threats. The fact that autonomous systems make decisions on their own helps countries in time and logistical delays in the battlefield. In this sense, the importance of cyber security also emerges. Cyber security prevents such software and autonomous systems from being hacked and captured by the enemy.

Studies on hypersonic missiles reduce the possibility of intercepting the fired missile. Superiority in this field offers states the option of deterrence and effective power. There is no doubt that the importance of the defence industry is too great and important to be thrown away. It empowers nations to have a say in many areas, from the fight against terrorism to national security and national interests. 

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