Are Cryptocurrencies the Currencies of the Future?

Technology is advancing at a dizzying pace. Of course, this progress also affects other fields. One of these areas is undoubtedly the world of finance. Technological developments in the financial world radically change the financial infrastructure. This transformation enables the financial world to change and adapt to today's conditions. There are some changes that are more than a change, it is almost a revolution. 

Yes, I say revolution because this change is not such an infrastructure or a concept change. This is a new trend ‘Crypto Coins’ where there is no paper money as we know it. Cryptocurrency or digital currencies are widely used today. Even states are now working on their own digital currencies in this field. These studies bring many regulations in this field and bring order to prevent illegitimate structuring of states to adapt to this field. 

We said that cryptocurrencies are a revolution, why we said revolution because it is not a fiat money but a digital money. The entire existence of money is only on digital. This situation brings convenience, but while it brings convenience, it also harbours risks. We do not need a bank and long waiting times to send and receive money. But the risky part of this situation is that we do not have any assurance. The ownership of the money you send or the crypto money you own can unfortunately cause troublesome situations. 

Hacking and fraud are common risks and there is no state assurance. Because crypto coins are emerging independently of the states. But these do not mean that this area is completely risky. No, if you have a consciousness in this field, the possibilities are open. There is no doubt that this revolution will shake the financial world to its core. 

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